ibook airdrop

I'm using an iPad air with iOS 8.1 and am trying to airdrop a PDF to another iPad air with iOS 8.1. The option to airdrop simply does not appear when I click on the share arrow box thing. It works for web pages but the option does not appear in iBooks

相關軟體 Ebook Reader 下載

Icecream Ebook Reader allows users to add multiple books to the application to create a personalized library. Users can mark books as Favourites and remove books from the library. Each book has a...

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  • 如题,谢谢大家了 如何用 airdrop 在apple设备之间传ibooks里面的电子书 , 威锋论坛 威锋网 您好,欢迎来到威锋网! 登录 注册 | 切换到宽版 首页 新手 游戏...
    如何用 airdrop 在apple设备之间传ibooks里面的电子书 - iPhone ...
  • I'm using an iPad air with iOS 8.1 and am trying to airdrop a PDF to another iPad air ...
    No airdrop on iOS8 iBooks? | Official Apple Support ...
  • an iBook via email | lynda.com - Duration: 2:47. LinkedIn Learning Solutions 6,543 views 2...
    ibook air drop - YouTube
  • I was trying to share an unrestricted PDF from iBooks between two iOS devices. The only op...
    Airdrop from iBooks in iOS | Official Apple Support ...
  • ibook airdrop 搜索资料 地图 推荐图片 插入视频 目前支持优酷、土豆、爱奇艺、乐视、百度视频等视频网站链接 提交回答 等您来答换一换 登录 还没有百度账号 ...
  • ibook air drop - Duration: 17:47. Mershon Viscusie 2,266 views 17:47 Synching iBooks with ...
    Sharing iBooks with My Story and Airdrop - YouTube
  • AirDrop是苹果作业系统OS X中的一项功能,可以让电脑透过WiFi与其他拥有AirDrop功能的电脑共享文件传输。现在Apple已经将这AirDrop的功能加入iOS7,只要...
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  • I've created an iBook on my MacBook Air and have also set up a Proof. How can I transf...
    how can I transfer an iBook to an iPad via Airdrop | Officia ...
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